
Welcome to Loyola


嚎叫! 我们很高兴你选择了皇冠app官方版下载.

你可能对如何规划大学生活有很多疑问. We’re here for you! 本页将为您提供资源, important deadlines, 以及帮助你成功抵达的建议.

Stay tuned—we will also share plenty of insider details about life at LOYNO in our new student email newsletter, called The Welcome Pack, starting in May. 向下滚动以预览我们将涵盖的时间表和主题. 


Meet the Dean

You're invited! 请加入我们的现场会见院长市政厅活动通过变焦举行. Department leaders will share some of the unique benefits of the academic college associated with your chosen major. 这些活动是可选的,家长/照顾者也被邀请参加. There will be a live Q&A供学生和家庭询问有关学业的问题.  


Tuesday, July 16 at 6 p.m. CT

Passcode: Loyola 

College of Business

Tuesday, July 16 at 6 p.m. CT

会议编号:943 9260 9131

Passcode: 632576


7月18日星期四下午6点.m. CT

会议编号:910 0683 5152

Passcode: 702846


The 职业发展中心 and Office of Financial Aid invite you to learn all about the Federal Work Study Program (FWS) at Loyola University! 发现你需要知道的关于FWS的一切, including its rules, regulations, and the plethora of opportunities and benefits available to eligible students. Students and their parents/caregivers will gain invaluable insights into how to prepare for the academic year as a Federal Work Study Employee. 从三个环节中选择: 

Session #1 

  • 7月17日星期三下午5点至6点.m.
  • Join 变焦 Meeting 
  • 会议编号:928 7896 7261
  • Passcode: workstudy

Session #2 

  • 7月23日,星期二,下午12点至1点.m. 
  • Join 变焦 Meeting 
  • 会议编号:928 7896 7261
  • Passcode: workstudy

Session #3 

  • 8月2日,星期五,下午12点至1点.m. 
  • Join 变焦 Meeting 
  • 会议编号:928 7896 7261
  • Passcode: workstudy

New Student Programming

Explore virtual events and programming over the summer to help you prepare for your first semester.


At Loyola, we want to set you up for success both inside and outside of the classroom. We invite you to join us for a virtual panel discussion to learn about holistic programs and support services available through the Office of Student Affairs and Pan-American Life Student Success Center. We will also discuss common scenarios you may face in your first year on campus and tips to navigate these situations. 

Next Session:



开始设置您的洛约拉电子邮件和访问洛约拉网络, 称为单点登录(SSO)门户. Check your email for step-by-step instructions to access your Loyola accounts, 包括免费使用微软Office 365的说明. 您将使用Microsoft登录来访问SSO, LORA自助服务,您将注册课程, 以及洛约拉大学的其他大部分网上账户. 在本页找到更多提示. Contact the IT Help Desk with any technology-related questions by calling 504.865.2255 or emailing support@bifa0070.com 使用你的洛约电子邮件地址. 

登录Gmail账户后,你可以用 遵循以下说明.



An important first step in your college experience is making a plan for how you'll pay for your studies. 我们的 team at 学生财务服务 will work one-on-one with your family to determine the best payment options for you. You can start this process by completing the Affordability Questionnaire in your 招生状态门户

请致电504与学生财务服务部联系.865.3337 or by email at SFSCenter@bifa0070.com.



想看看你的第一学期会有什么安排? 访问 your 招生状态门户 完成学业指导和参与兴趣调查.* We'll use the information you provide to create a draft schedule of classes. 一旦你完成你的调查, it usually takes your advisor about two weeks to reach out to you with your draft schedule for further discussion. 

*College of Business students do not need to complete the survey; your advisor will reach out to you to help you create your schedule.

Submit Your ID Photo


Log into your 招生状态门户 并在“上传材料”部分上传你的头像. 请务必在下拉菜单中选择“ID Photo”. We will use your photo to make your Loyola ID, which you will receive when you arrive on campus. 请提交您的照片 July 1, 2024 for processing.

Photo Criteria

  • 照片应该反映出你现在的样子——不戴太阳镜, 帽子, 或头罩(除非为宗教目的佩戴)
  • 站在平原前, light colored background and use a neutral face expression with both eyes open
  • Place camera directly in front you: full face and shoulder tops should be visible
  • 清晰的, color images that are oriented upright only with a high resolution JPEG format (most cell phone cameras can provide this)
  • 你驾照上的照片, current school ID, 护照或印有他人的护照将不被接受



路易斯安那州法律要求所有学生提交免疫记录. 提交免疫接种记录或豁免申请的截止日期为 August 9, 2024. Loyola has partnered with Med+Proctor to make the process to submit your immunizations as easy and user-friendly as possible. 按照以下说明进行操作 洛约拉的免疫网站页面 提交免疫接种证明. 有关您的免疫要求的问题,请发送电子邮件 immunization@bifa0070.com

所有 full-time undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in Loyola’s student health insurance plan. You are required to use Loyola’s plan unless you can provide proof of comparable, 现有学年的覆盖范围. 我们会在夏天寄给你更多关于健康计划的细节, 包括说明如何放弃保险,如果你是合格的.



You are required to add your Emergency Contact information and complete the Registration Agreement in LORA Self-Service no later than August 18, 2024. Students who fail to submit an emergency contact/registration agreement before the start of the semester may risk being dropped from their courses. Follow these steps:

  1. 登录LORA自助服务,在菜单中找到“用户选项”下拉菜单. 
  2. Select “Emergency Contacts” from the dropdown and you’ll have the option to “Add a New Contact” or “Edit” your existing emergency contacts.
  3. To add a new emergency contact, add the person’s name, relationship, phone number(s), and address. Check the “Emergency Contact” and “Missing Person Contact” checkboxes at the bottom as appropriate.
  4. 回到“用户选项”下拉菜单,选择上面的选项, “所需协议”,然后点击协议表格填写. 


Preparing for your first year of college takes careful planning and organization. 我们想让它尽可能的无缝和吸引你. Keep an eye out for The Welcome Pack email newsletter featuring important information and resources to help you prepare for your first year at 皇冠app官方版下载. We will send this newsletter to all admitted first-year students via email starting in May and will continue through the start of your first semester as you get settled into college life. 

Parents/Guardians: 如果你也想收到我们的每周时事通讯,你可以发电子邮件 admit@bifa0070.com 加入我们的订阅者名单.


以下是我们将在你的收件箱中每周讨论的话题. 一旦我们发出邮件,你可以在这里查看邮件的存档. 


May 8, 2024

Get a preview of the weekly email schedule and complete some of your first action items as a new member of the Wolf Pack. 

View Message

Residential Life 

May 15, 2024

Get a rundown of 在洛约拉的住宿生活, including what to pack, how to find a roommate, and what to expect on move-in day. 

View Message

Jesuit Values 

May 22, 2024

在洛约拉,我们关心整个你,身体,思想和精神. Find out how our Jesuit values 激励我们做最好的自己.

View Message

University Traditions

May 29, 2024

Crawfish boils, 撤退, and special beads just for your class—you’re not going to want to miss these Loyola traditions. 

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在线 Orientation 

June 5, 2024

得到所有的细节 online orientation,你必须在开课前完成.

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June 12, 2024

We don’t just talk about diversity at Loyola; find out how we live it 每一天. 

View Message

Languages and Cultures 

June 19, 2024

掌握一门新的语言,拓宽你的世界观 studying abroad.

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Loyola 餐厅 Services

June 26, 2024

Find out about flexible dining options 包括粉丝最爱的“鲶鱼星期五”.

View Message


July 3, 2024


View Message

Student Health & Counseling Services 

July 10, 2024

Learn about health and wellness 可以帮助你保持最佳状态的服务.

Student Success Center  

July 17, 2024

我们都以不同的方式学习. 我们的 Student Success Center 会帮助你找到最适合你的工具和资源吗.


July 24, 2024

我们将分享如何获得停车通行证的细节 parking services,以及如何通过网站订购教科书和其他资源 Loyola bookstore

Wolf Pack Welcome 

July 31, 2024

为狼群做好准备欢迎,安 immersive experience 与你即将到来的同学建立联系.


Student Code of Conduct

August 7, 2024

Engage in conversations about ethical-decision making and and learn about your rights and responsibilities as a student at Loyola. 


August 14, 2024

在洛约拉有无数的方法来找到适合你的. 浏览所有参与的机会 HowlConnect 并参加由大学规划委员会主办的活动.

First Week of Classes

August 21, 2024

嚎叫! 用有用的提醒和资源为第一周的课程做好准备.


August 28, 2024

满足你的 学生会协会 找出谁在带头确保你的声音被听到.


September 4, 2024

我们将分享的概述 学生生活与事工 还有更多的方式让你融入校园.

Spirituality on Campus

September 11, 2024

寻找机会 连接你的灵性 and get involved with social justice issues through organizations and activities.

Explore New Orleans 

September 18, 2024

Your new home is world-renowned for its vibrant culture, traditions, and delicious food. 找出生活是什么样子的 大容易.


September 25, 2024

Support your Wolf Pack athletes and learn how you can get in the game 通过俱乐部运动和校园娱乐中心.  


October 2, 2024

Learn how the 职业发展中心 can help you discover and articulate your strengths and interests in connection to your professional goals.

First 50 Days

October 9, 2024


Family Weekend

Loyno Family Portal

Learn more about Loyola and join communities that are important to you and your student. 个性化信息,以满足您和您的学生的兴趣, 并与其他正在寻找大学的家庭进行互动.

Students in Loyno gear

Make It Official

你是狼群的一员,是时候嚎叫了! You can shop for your official LOYNO apparel and gear from the Loyola University 书店 online. 向你的家人和朋友展示你的栗色和金色精神. 
